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The Roundtable: Liability Insurance Challenges (theaawa.org)
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 1:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
Category: Online Training

The date is December 12th at 1pm and you can register here:

The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement Learning Center: 12-12-23 The Roundtable: Liability Insurance Challenges (theaawa.org)

This session is free and we hope you can join us to hear directly from our insurers.


Animal sheltering organizations face growing challenges with acquiring affordable liability insurance coverage.  As the number of claims (including some in the seven-figure range) continues to rise, even those shelters with solid track records are paying the price.  Serious dog bites seem to be at the epicenter of this insurance crisis.  Animal welfare organizations are struggling to find coverage -- and when they do find it, the cost can be prohibitive.  

In this discussion co-hosted by CalAnimals and The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement, we will have a candid conversation with two representatives from the insurance industry who will share the big picture of what - from their inside perspective - is causing insurance challenges and what organizations can do to mitigate their risks and improve their chances of securing coverage. 

The Roundtable Panel:

  • David Denniston, Director of Risk Management, McNeil and Company
  • Damien Zillas, Compliance Coverage Counsel, Nonprofits Insurance Alliance

Moderated by:

  • Jim Tedford, CAWA, President & CEO, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement
  • Jill Tucker, CAWA, CEO, California Animal Welfare Association